Rather than make a single New Year's resolution and fail to achieve it, we've decided to tackle twelve resolutions. But we also plan to do them. Assigning to each month a task, challenge, or goal that enforces spots of time to observe their renovating virtue, we intend to suck the marrow out of an examined life worth living, as Henry David Socrates once said.
We have agreed to undertake one resolution each month of 2011, and to document the deliberate and fun results here. You'll be able to see what each of us made of the 12 challenges, and where it takes us by the end of the year.
In 2011, Jack will be 29 years old and Rebecca will be 31. We will have been married for 6 years on April 30th. We have three kids: Spoon (girl, 4 years old), Fork (girl, 1 year old), and Knife (boy, 1 year old).
Jack is a civil servent and a member of the local Board of Architectural Review, does a lot of pull-ups and push ups, is an avid reader, and writes--words and music. Rebecca is staying home with the kids, and is a independent contractor as a color consultant, primarily with the local Benjamin Moore Paint store. She is a member of a secretive women's book club (The Falling Leaves), is a somewhat active member of the Smithsonian Resident Associates Program, sews, paints, and runs. We enjoy all things culinary, frequently rearrange our apartment, are members of New Hope Presbyterian Church of America, take ballet together on Wednesday nights, and have community dinner on Thursday nights.
With kids, jobs, and all the rich busy blessings of life, we are constanrtly reminded of two sayings common to Rebecca's Grandma: "It's better to wear out, than rust out", and "If if doesn't kill you it makes you stronger." Lord willing, by this same time next year we'll be worn out or stronger. We'd much rather that than be rusty or dead.
Occasionally we will have guest bloggers who have expressed an interest in one (or more) of our challenges. You can find out more information about who they are and what challenges they are going to be undertaking on the Our Resolute Guests page.
Feel free to comment, give us some encouragement, or make fun of us as we try and keep up with these 12.
Occasionally we will have guest bloggers who have expressed an interest in one (or more) of our challenges. You can find out more information about who they are and what challenges they are going to be undertaking on the Our Resolute Guests page.
Feel free to comment, give us some encouragement, or make fun of us as we try and keep up with these 12.