Twelve months, Twelve resolutions


January 26, 2011


As much as I love many of his stories, I learned not to trust O. Henry. That's for the obvious reason that I knew he was going to trick me. He'd always make it delightful and I found myself accepting it with the kind of grudging affection you give to that relative who is always giving people wet willies, or snapping you with a dish towel. I still hold "Mammon and the Archer" very dear because it was the first story of his that I read and what he did with the story had a big impact on me as a writer. But, I mention all of this in the first place to promise you, anyone who's reading this, that I'm not tricking you and this was not orchestrated as an O. Henry trick for the month of January. The month in which we're highlighting our creative pursuits.

On this day, the 26th of January, 2011, I sold a short story. I sold a very small story to a fledgling market for a diminutive fee. It's technically pro-scale payment, which fits my personal dictum to never publish for free no matter what - I think publishing for free sets a terrible example for our youth.

Anyway, you read it here first, and I will update with links and much crowing from the ridge pole when it goes up. You'll be able to read the story, along with a really important and thoughtful "author" interview in the next issue of Leodegraunce (apparently mine will also be in the print anthology, stay tuned for that). I suppose it kind of counts as creative time as well that I spent some time today writing up my responses to the interview questions.


I did not get anything purposely creative done today. I had an important client in the morning, and then the storm hit. I did light a lot of candles though!

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